Portfolio All Roads Buildings Dykes and Dams wolfs at works Apartments Under Construction wolfs at works wolfs at works wolfs at works Men at work Almost complete project dykes-and-dams wolfs at works Renovation wolfs at works Men at work wolfs at works Under construction wolfs at works wolfs at works Road under construction wolfs at works Wolfs at works wolfs at works wolfs at works wolfs at works wolfs at works Under maintenance wolfs at works Flats in progress Under maintenance Under maintenance Building construction GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo GCS batching ongoing at our batching plant in Ndarugo Road Sealing on goi Kazi safi surface dressing by wolfs best construction and paving company in kenya 1687441571253 sealing ongoing 1st sealing done Edge line marking Yellow line marking complete surface dressing ongoing Line marking about to start Stone Pitching Preparation before the main work Surface dressing in the process